
Welcome to Book A Sport

Want to play a sport
But can’t find a place?
We are here to help you out.

BAS Football Tournament 1.0 Point Table

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Hello There

Book A Sport

Want to play a sport but can’t find a place? You know only limited number of sport venues?

We are a platform that helps you find the venue and help you book it to play the sports that you want/like.

The thought of this project came to us when we couldn’t find any turf to play. We only knew limited number of places in the city to play football in turf. So we did some research on it and later on came to know that there are more places in the city to play than we actually knew about. Some of them were booked whenever you called them and some were not even known by the people. Then we thought that there might be others out there who want to play but could not, not just football on turfs but other sports as well. So we came across the idea of creating a booking platform for sports venues so that maximum people should not get disappointed due to unavailability of the sports venue and can search for other options to play their favorite sports. Now you guys can book your venues through us and enjoy.

Our Team

Studied engineering from Nagpur and MBA from IMT-Nagpur. Works in the field of Renewable energy and has had his fair share in reducing the carbon footprint. Likes to play Online games and Offline games alike.

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Yash Parekh Founder of Book A Sport

Studied Engineering from the city of oranges. Plays Online games and loves to play Offline games, specially cricket and has won tournaments along with trophies in personal manner.

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Akhilesh Mankar Co-Founder of Book A Sport

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Akhilesh Mankar
Mobile: 7020913008

Yash Parekh
Mobile: 9175156458